Where did they go?
Interesting, clever, articulate suttle geniuses have disappeared. Ok, I'm primarily talking about the entertainment industry.
Every year, I start watching the MTV Video awards, only to switch it off eventually. Then I heard Lady Gaga had the meat suit so it re ran and I taped it figuring I could fast forward to see it. By the way, Gaga is one of those interesting people, not so suttle in appearance but talented creative and definately interesting. But Cher, time to hang it up baby, the outfit is nice, but didn't quite fit right, glad the jacket was on.
At first I thought.. maybe I'm finally getting old. But no, the stuff is crap. Juvenile, crass, idiotic crap. I blame the industry. Throw something up against the wall and see if it sticks, mass marketing but hey, someone is buying it. I think it started in Comedy. What's that say about the masses? Yeah, look around, listen. Where's the character man?
And how in the hell can you cast Leonardo Di Caprio as anything but a baby faced kid? Ok, well maybe thats an age thing.
I do have the answer; The interesting people are all underground. Subterranean, waiting for a renaissance following the "dumb down" movement. Indie lables for music, independent films, art galleries, internet distribution channels, social networks. There will be no more robot voiced punks, The Avant Garde shall rise!!!
But for now, I know where to find them, and thats good.