I kind of like it in here. The space is a little cramped, but I can get comfortable by kicking myself around. Pretty cool having fingers now, helps pass the time by counting. Id count my toes if I could see them better but my head is too big compared to the rest of my underdeveloped body. I'm not sure what that thing is just past this rope connected to my belly, I dont think its a finger or toe, pretty good sized but I'm not sure what that's going to be used for. Best of all is breathing underwater. This is gonna be huge later in life.
Hey, what's going on? Where'd the water go? what the heck.... gurggle, mumble.... OUCH!!! Dude why'd you hit me... waaaaa!!! waaaaa!!!!! Man its bright out here, anyone got any shades?
Ft. Meade Army hospital was as dreary a place as you can imagine. It would be the place where later I would run down the halls because the Drs. produced syringes made of stainless steel, huge with finger holes to get maximum leverage. The floors were green tile, always polished, a dark sterile place. I'd always get caught by my Mom, or a Dr.
Ft. Meade Army Base is also a military intelligence base in Maryland, just outside Washington DC, near Laurel, MD. If you watched the movie "Men Who Stare at Goats" , the characters are in a paranormal psyche unit and adept at remote viewing. The movie places the unit at Ft. Bragg but this also took place at Ft. Meade. Remote viewing is the ability to see things without being there and the military experimented with it. Men Who Stare At Goats was a dissapointment as a movie, Clooney didn't pull it off and I don't think it was factual, b ut it did illustrate the fact that the Army experimented with remote viewing. Strangely, Im pretty good at it myself.
At about 4, I was at my cousin's ( that's him up there, a follower) Grandparent,s house at a family gathering on the Back River, an estuary of the Chesapeake. I remember watching my Dad and Uncles wade out into the river, catching soft shell crabs. I guess my Grandfather had decided it was time for me to learn how to swim. He snuck up behind me, grabbed me by the arms and flung me into the water. I remember vividly seeing black, brown, green, yellow... then surfacing. This was how we learned to swim, babtized in the Chesapeake..... underwater breathing sure would have come in handy.
Hey, what's going on? Where'd the water go? what the heck.... gurggle, mumble.... OUCH!!! Dude why'd you hit me... waaaaa!!! waaaaa!!!!! Man its bright out here, anyone got any shades?
Ft. Meade Army hospital was as dreary a place as you can imagine. It would be the place where later I would run down the halls because the Drs. produced syringes made of stainless steel, huge with finger holes to get maximum leverage. The floors were green tile, always polished, a dark sterile place. I'd always get caught by my Mom, or a Dr.
Ft. Meade Army Base is also a military intelligence base in Maryland, just outside Washington DC, near Laurel, MD. If you watched the movie "Men Who Stare at Goats" , the characters are in a paranormal psyche unit and adept at remote viewing. The movie places the unit at Ft. Bragg but this also took place at Ft. Meade. Remote viewing is the ability to see things without being there and the military experimented with it. Men Who Stare At Goats was a dissapointment as a movie, Clooney didn't pull it off and I don't think it was factual, b ut it did illustrate the fact that the Army experimented with remote viewing. Strangely, Im pretty good at it myself.
At about 4, I was at my cousin's ( that's him up there, a follower) Grandparent,s house at a family gathering on the Back River, an estuary of the Chesapeake. I remember watching my Dad and Uncles wade out into the river, catching soft shell crabs. I guess my Grandfather had decided it was time for me to learn how to swim. He snuck up behind me, grabbed me by the arms and flung me into the water. I remember vividly seeing black, brown, green, yellow... then surfacing. This was how we learned to swim, babtized in the Chesapeake..... underwater breathing sure would have come in handy.